May 1, 2008

Celebrating May Day

In many parts of the world, May 1 is the day on which they commemorate efforts to limit the working day to eight hours. They celebrate by taking the day off. For my colleagues in US law firms, an eight-hour work day may seem Utopian, and May 1st this year most definitely is a work day. But things are even worse for those sad souls who have caught the blogging bug -- we put in a day at the office and then compulsively burn the midnight oil blogging. Having tried in April to pick up the pace on my blogging, I must admit that I am in awe of blawgers who manage to blog almost daily. That requires a level of stamina and creativity that seems beyond most mortals.

Well, today is the start of a brand new month. It's another opportunity for balance and restraint. Or will it be a month for cramming as much work and blogging as possible into 31 days?

In honor of a less frenzied time in my life when it almost seemed to make sense to stay up all night to hear the Magdalen College choir greet the dawn on May 1st, here are links to two YouTube clips of Oxford on May Day. Enjoy!

Magdalen College Choir on May Day 2007

Morris Dancers


Doug Cornelius said...

Creativity? Not always.

But blogging is great way to capture those quick nuggets that I do not want to lose and want reuse or find later.

Mary Abraham said...

That's a fair point, Doug. This approach creates a useful public scrapbook or form file. Nonetheless, it's the quality of the content that keeps the reader coming back, and that takes a fair amount of judgment and ingenuity -- if not pure creativity.

In any event, thanks for including the materials you don't want to lose in your blog ( You've made it a terrific resource for the rest of us.

- Mary