April 15, 2008

Gratitude on Tax Day

April 15 is the day we count our blessings and then give a cut to Uncle Sam. While the offering to Uncle Sam may be grudging, it is with absolute sincerity that I'd like to thank the folks who have helped launch my new blog.

First and foremost, Joy London, whose recommendation in excited utterances led to a remarkable spike in my readership. Thank you, Joy, for the graciousness and generosity of your recommendation. And thank you for the private encouragement you've given me as I start down this blogging path. You blazed a trail for the rest of us a long time ago and I'm grateful for your expertise and advice.

In the inimitable words of Dennis Kennedy: "I have no doubt that Tom Mighell has mentioned many more new legal blogs than the number of blogs that have links back to his blog. He's a saint I'm not quite that saintly." Dennis makes this observation in the course of a post entitled "What are the Most Common Mistakes a New Legal Blogger Makes," in which he reminds bloggers who are lucky enough to be mentioned by a more established blogger that they should not be delinquent in thanking the experienced blogger. So, without further adieu,

Dear Tom Mighell and Kevin O'Keefe:

Thank you, Tom Mighell, for mentioning my neophyte efforts on your blog, Mighell's Blawg of the Day. And thank you, Kevin O'Keefe, for picking up that citation and giving it more airtime on Real Lawyers Have Blogs. I very much appreciate the boost and look forward to joining in the growing conversation among blawggers that both of you clearly are trying to foster.



Unknown said...


Nice post. I had forgotten that I had written that. Brought a smile to my face.


Mary Abraham said...

Thanks, Dennis. Your good advice is worth repeating -- and following.
